Suhas Waiangankar
Working in environment and wildlife protection and conservation for the last 23 years.
Worked as Assistant Education Officer and Planning Officer in World Wide Fund for Nature India and Center for Environment Education Pune.
Lectures and slide shows on environment and wildlife in more than 340 schools and colleges, and guidance in nature introduction camps.
Published 55 articles on the environment in collaboration with the Department of Wildlife and various NGOs working in the field of conservation and conservation of the Western Ghats.
Co-author of the book Biodiversity of Sindhudurg District and Collection of Vegetables and Wild Fruits in Satara Kas area.
Creation of Biodiversity Parks, Butterfly Gardens at Karjat, Goa, Kolhapur under 18 different projects.
Project participation
Large Mammals Distribution in Northern Western Ghats; Union Ministry of Forests, New Delhi and Nature Conservation Group.
Present Status of Vulture in and around Kolhapur District organized by BNHS.
Distribution and current status of Mango and Purple Fruit and Karwande varieties in the villages of South Western Ghats (Participated project on wild varieties of Mangos, Jamun jackfruits and Karvanda in Northern Western Ghats organized by Center for Environment Education).
Climate Change and Global Warming Raise Awareness Campaign Walking 1111 km from Kolhapur to Tirupati Tirumala from 2nd December to 28th December 2009 (Walk against Climate Change and Global Warming Awareness Program Raju Mane Foundation)
Sensitive actor Sayaji Shinde's Sahyadri Deorai Social Organization has been working as an expert guide for the last 4 years.